KITKUT is a DJ and artist of house music and downtempo. She is also an organizer in Tokyo's night clubs. And Founder of "Tokyo DJ Club".


DJ KITKUT is DJ and organizer. Born in Tokyo, raised in Dubai and Sydney, she mixes house with 70s and 80s funk, disco, soul, Jazz, Black Contemporary, and is good at developing a somewhat nostalgic and storytelling style. She has visited over 30 countries and started DJing in 2014. She has been selected as a support DJ for the world’s leading house artists Chaos In The CBD, Folamour, Osunlade, Jimpster, Marco Lys, Erick Morillo, Harry Romeo, and many more. She has been a DJ for more than 600 gigs. In addition to clubs, she is also active as a lounge DJ at brand reception parties. 2024’s MESSIKA JEWELRY reception party featured an 8-hour DJ set with music selections inspired by “studio54”. She has been in charge of music selection at Jicoo, (marunouchi) HOUSE ,Sky Gallery Lounge Levita, Toranomon Hills. Her DJ mixes have also been featured many times on radio programs in Japan and abroad. Featured many times on radio programs in Japan and abroad (“TOKYO M.A.A.D SPIN”, “DOMMUNE”, “”, “IBIZA RADIO ONE”). Released “Midnight Cruising” on Soundcloud, a downtempo channel dedicated to “songs you want to listen to on a drive in the middle of the night. EDC 2019 discovery PROJECT finalist. Founder of “TOKYO DJ Club”.

KITKUT (キットカット)

DJ・オーガナイザー。東京都生まれ、ドバイ・シドニー育ち。70-80S funk・disco・soulj・Jazz・Black Contemporaryなどとハウスを織り交ぜ、どこか懐かしく、ストーリー性のある展開を得意とする。訪れた国は30カ国以上。2014年にDJ活動開始。世界を代表するハウスアーティスト Chaos In The CBD , Folamour , Osunlade , Jimpster , Marco Lys , Erick Morillo , Harry Romeoらの来日サポートDJに抜擢される。徹底的現場主義を貫き600GIG以上出演の経験を持つ。クラブに加え、ラウンジDJとしてブランドのレセプションパーティーでも活動中。東京湾に浮かぶ船上バー「Jicoo」や新丸ビル「(marunouchi) HOUSE」、プリンスギャラリー紀尾井町「Sky Gallery Lounge Levita」、虎ノ門ヒルズ「虎ノ門横丁」、`SG Club「swrl. 」等ではミュージックセレクトを担当。2024’s MESSIKA JEWELRY のレセプションパーティーではstudio54をイメージした選曲で8時間のDJセットを披露した。また、国内外のラジオ番組でもDJミックスが幾度もフューチャーされた経験を持つ。(「TOKYO M.A.A.D SPIN」「DOMMUNE」「」「IBIZA RADIO ONE」) “真夜中のドライブに聴きたい曲”に特化したダウンテンポチャンネル「Midnight Cruising」をSoundcloudで配信リリース。EDC 2019 discovery PROJECT ファイナリスト。「TOKYO DJ部」ファウンダー。