KITKUT is a DJ and artist of house music and downtempo. She is also an organizer in Tokyo's night clubs. And Founder of "Tokyo DJ Club".

2019/11/09(sat) Osunlade @ VENT


【 ハウス界のメシア。魂を揺さぶるディープ・ハウスの最高峰、Osunlade 】

大人気のレーベルYoruba Recordsを率い、アメリカのディープ・ハウス・シーンの最高峰に君臨する OsunladeOfficialが11月9日のVENTに初登場!存在そのものがアートとも言える重鎮による2年ぶりとなる超待望の来日公演が決定!!


やがてメジャーの音楽スタイルでの音楽制作は自分の音楽への情熱を弱めてしまうと感じ、一念発起してアーティストの道を選択。1999年にYoruba Recordsを設立したのだ。一切の妥協がないディープでソウルフルな作品をコンスタントにリリースすることでTheo ParrishやDixonをはじめ多くのトップDJたちにサポートされると、レーベルとともにOsunladeはアーティストとしても広く認知され、「ハウス界のメシア」と評されるようになった。


The messiah of House music has arrived – stimulating your soul to its very core with the deepest of deep house beats!

Owner of the highly sought after Yoruba Records, American deep house maestro Osunlade will be making his first appearance at VENT on November 9th! It could be said that his very existence is a work of art – this powerful force within the house scene will be coming back to Japan for the first time in two long years!

There are not too many artists out there that are as diverse as Osunlade. Born and raised in St. Louis, birth place of the blues and jazz, he had been interested in making music since early childhood. After moving to Hollywood at the age of 17, he developed his skills as a producer, he went on to work on many hit tracks while working under a major label.

Over the years he began to feel that producing music for a major label would suppress his passion for music, so he took a leap of faith and changed gears to take the path of a true artist. With that, in 1999 he founded Yoruba Records. He then went on to release, at a constant pace, only the deepest of house tracks, with absolutely no compromise – this gained him the support of top DJs like Theo Parrish and Dixon, among many other. Along with his label, Osunlade’s name recognition began to soar, thus becoming the “Messiah of House Music!”

African, spiritual, and soulful deep house tracks reflect Osunlade’s soul. His magnificent DJ sets create a one-of-a-kind, magical experience, where the audience is completely immersed in the pure energy of the moment. Don’t miss this epic night!

– Osunlade –

DATE : 11/09 (SAT)
OPEN : 23:00
DOOR : ¥3,500 / FB discount : ¥3,000

Motoki a.k.a. Shame (Lose Yourself)
Atsu (東風 / 三楽)

A.M.A. (ON and ON)
Tonydot (TANGLE)
Yuri Nagahori

[ FACE BOOKイベント参加 ] で¥500 OFF ディスカウント実施中!


Join the event for ¥500 off !! Click ” Join ” and you are on discount list !! ※You MUST show your mobile phone screen of joined event page at the entrance.

※ VENTでは、20歳未満の方や、写真付身分証明書をお持ちでない方のご入場はお断りさせて頂いております。ご来場の際は、必ず写真付身分証明書をお持ち下さいます様、宜しくお願い致します。尚、サンダル類でのご入場はお断りさせていただきます。予めご了承下さい。

※ Must be 20 or over with Photo ID to enter. Also, sandals are not accepted in any case. Thank you for your cooperation.


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